A downloadable game for Windows

ASD - Movement
Space - Jump
1,2,3,4 - Change Item
E - Leave once objects have been complete
Left Mouse Button - Shoot

This game is part of my first Game Jam I have participated in which was a 48 hour jam hosted by Hugging Face. The theme of this jam is "Expanding". In addition to this, the Game Jam is all about using AI through your work flow. I used AI for a couple of sections of my development (More later). Overall though, I feel like I could have used my time up a lot better. The first day I only barley got some core mechanics established and the next day did some level design and polishing. Despite this there are still a lot of bugs probably. I feel if I kept my ambitions lower, then the game would have been a lot better. I like the final product non the less and now know my limits within 48 hours!

In the jam, I mostly used Chat GPT to give Ideas and Code for the project. The AI generated the name and the idea of the game. The idea for the game was as follows:
- A space man travels to small, medium, and large planets to repair and expand the ship he flies. The whole expand theme would come with the ever expanding planets and shuttle.
I tried to follow this to some extent but as I stated before, this was way too big of an ambition for me. I also used scenario to generate the weapon images in the players HUD. I tried to get it to make some of the other artwork for the game but nothing was to my liking. So instead I ended up making all the artwork and animations (except for the tile map).

Stuff that is not mine / Tools I used
Tile Map - https://trixelized.itch.io/desert-ruins
Weapon HUD - https://www.scenario.com/
Brains of operation (Chat GPT) - https://chat.openai.com/
Music - https://www.beepbox.co/#9n31s0k0l00e0ft2ca7g0fj07r1i0o432T1v1ub0f10m8q011d23A0F0...
Sound effects - https://sfxr.me/
Artwork/Animations - https://www.piskelapp.com/p/create/sprite


Gamer.zip 33 MB

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